Tuesday 18 November 2014

Diva's Weekly Challenge #194

This week's Diva challenge was a... Challenge - to say the least! Tangling (and shading) with our non-dominant hand to 'Embrace the Yuck'...

Of course I want to give Laura and her familie all the support and solidarity they need and deserve, but this challenge made me clear that I'm totally righthanded :-) Also, I'm not sure if I got that great zen-feeling this time, but hey: life isn't all about fun. My spider still sort of looks like a spider though, doesn't he? ;-)


  1. Both your spide and your web are great however, the rest of your tile works really well too. You did fine! Bravo!

  2. You should be pleased with this tile. You picked tangles with lots of fine, parallel lines, and you pulled it off with style. And I love the hattifatteners on the right (well, they look like hattifatteners. Fescu with auras?) Very cool.

  3. Funny I used Yincut, too. I figured I'd do better with short lines rather than long ones, but yours is really nice. Great job.

  4. Ilse you are such a good sport! I think your tile is great. My favorite is the yincut. Your shading works really well, too!

    1. Thank you, Elisa! Also for giving us this 'different' challenge :-)

  5. You are right about this not being "Zen." I'm almost thinking of doing it again with that in mind. I don't think I would produce a better tile, but I think I would benefit from remembering what this is all about. Yours really turned out nicely though.

  6. O ja, ik herken je spin direct! Ook ik kreeg hier geen relaxed gevoel bij, wel weer eens de dankbaarheid dat ik met mijn handen veel kan en dat dat geen gegeven is voor veel anderen.

  7. Wonderful Tile, Ilse. Very good line work. Love the spidie.

  8. Yes, no zen initially, thank you for saying that. Like Jean said maybe I need to really relax and do it again...because with the exception of maybe one person none of us did this perfectly and if we did it again it wouldn't be done perfectly then either. But maybe the second time around I would be more free to feel and embrace the helplessness of not being able to control. The whole time I did mine I was trying to control it...I wanted my right hand to take over. One thing I noticed about yours and most people's work who did this challenge is that although the lines and patterns were a bit shaky most of them were designed well and that's a brain thing not so much fine motor skill.

  9. Well done challenge response. Yes, your spider does look like a spider.

  10. Wow, you really did a nice job with yincut on this one! I love the spidie too.

  11. That tile is really nice work. I like the spider ;-)
