Saturday, 30 April 2016


Today I wanted to try and put some 3D-effect in my tile. Quite a challenge!

Friday, 29 April 2016

Alphabet challenge #53: P-W-Z

Diane and Carolien ask us to make a tile with patterns starting with P, W and Z. I chose Phroz, Wocar and Zag-V, tangles I don't use very often. That was fun and relaxing!

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Diva challenge #265

I've had such a busy week that I could only do the Diva challenge today. I love drawing stripes, so I was anxious to start with it. Finally, today was the day ;-)

The tangles I've used are (top left to bottom right): Kuke, Hibred, Nvelope, Golven, Gotcha, Heartstrings and Kuke again. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

String #206

A new string: always nice to try how it feels ;-) I filled it with Aura-Leah, Yuma and Sails.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Joey's challenge #110

Roman Numeral X! Joey likes us to fill the 4 spaces the string offers with 5 tangles. A nice challenge to use them all 5 :-)

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Flux as a string

Today I filled a Flux-shaped string with three patterns: Pollen, Emilie and Buttercup. Love that last tangle!

Friday, 22 April 2016

Marasu Friday

Today I wanted to do something with Marasu. Love that pattern! In the background I drew N'Zeppel and Caught - and time flew ;-)

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Alphabet challenge #53: J-X-T

Diane & Carolien took the letters J, X and T for this week's challenge. I chose to use Jemz, Xav and Telis - and put them in a rather strange string. The result looks like a funny island to me :-)

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

It's a String Thing #141

We're tangling a string that shows '90', in honour of Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday and we're filling it with Queen's Crown, Baton and the new pattern MA-XII. I don't think the last one will be one of my favorites, but it was nice to try it out.

Next week you can take a look at Adele Bruno's blog to see what other people did with this challenge!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Joey's challenge #109

We've already arrived at Roman Numeral IX at Joey's challenge! I like the string Joey created and I filled it with all the tangles she suggested: Demi, Gingham, Betweed, Ragz, Mei, Mooks and Zinger.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Diva's challenge #264

Laura is asking us to create a Spring-like string ourselves. When I think of Spring, I think of the sun that is coming out more often, sunrays, plants growing and a little bit of rain from time to time (to let the plants grow!).

So, my string was inspired by the sun:

And the tangles by the plants (Tagh, Ynix, Meer and CO2) and... some Rain ;-)

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Sunday afternoon

Just playing today :-)

The tangles I've used are: Xplo-zen, Zedbra, Zenith, Yoga and Villers #2. 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Alphabet challenge #52: C-K-S

Diane and Carolien challenge us this week to create a tile with patterns starting with C, K and S. I chose to go organic and use Cat-kin, Kelp and Sprigs:

Friday, 15 April 2016

It's a String Thing #140

Another nice challenge by Adele Bruno! We're using string #140 and the patterns Hollibaugh, Copada and Pokeleaf.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Joey's challenge #108

We're up to Roman Numeral 8 at Joey's challenge. Joey chose some great tangles to fill it: N'Zeppel, Marnie, Fandango and Crescent Moon. Besides a zen feeling :-) this is my result:

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Diva Challenge #263

A real challenge to me, this week's Diva challenge! Laura asked us to create a tile based on a Globular Grid. I don't have zendala tiles, so I cut a circle out of my white paper and started to draw parenthesis lines. Filling them with tangles was the hardest part, because of changing perspectives.

Thank you Laura, for making me do things I would otherwise not have tried! I can't say I was completely zen once it was finished, but I'm happy I've tried :-)

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Lazy Sunday morning tile

We have a busy afternoon, so I decided to have a relaxed Sunday morning. What better way is there than to zentangle away? :-)

My choice of patterns (going clockwise, starting top left): Chloë, Starburst, Ixorus, Allium, 8C, Arukas. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Alphabet challenge #51: Q-E-R

This week we're playing with patterns starting with Q, E and R for Diane & Carolien's challenge. I chose to use Quib, Eye-wa and Raffz. This tile turned out very black, luckily it doesn't represent my mood :-)

Friday, 8 April 2016

It's a String Thing #139

Adele is asking us to use string #139 and fill it with B-Twixt (new tangle, top left), Tagh and Chillon. This is what I saw when I was finished :-)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

New tangles

There are two new tangles I like to try, so I combined them in one tile: Xin and Petal Pusher. Nice patterns!

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Joey's challenge #107

Joey likes us to fill her Roman Numeral 7 string with 4 patterns, if possible. I gave it a try and ended up with this result, thanks to Queen's Crown, Gotcha, Nipa and Zailz. 

It was only once I had finished that I noticed I've shaded Nipa upsidedown...! Oh well, these things happen :-)

Monday, 4 April 2016

Diva challenge #262

It's the first Monday of the month, so it's Use My Tangle (UMT) time at Laura's blog. This time we're using Fassett by Lynn Mead. A lovely tangle that I like to combine with plenty of black apparently (take a look here to look at my last Fassett tile of one year ago. Note to myselfe: use this pattern more often!).

Today I created a Duotangle of Fassett and Inapod. That was fun :-)

Thank you for stopping by, your comments are always much appreciated!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

White on black

It's been a while since I've last made a black tile with white ink on it. Paradox and Crescent Moon look so different! :-)

Saturday, 2 April 2016

String #191

String #191 gives space for 5 tangles. I chose to use Twing, Avreal, Ennies, Juke and Paisley (from top left to bottom right):

Friday, 1 April 2016

Unwrapping a present

Inspired by somebody else's tile (sorry, I don't know his or her name), I made this Duotangle with Nymph and Fife: