Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Grid tangles

I guess I was in a grid mood today ;-) with Bales, B'Twined, Petal Pusher and Vercut:

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Joey's challenge #141

Joey's 'finish my tile challenge' starts with the tangle Pipez. It's new to me and I added Lollywhimple, Merryweather and a little bit of Zedbra:

Monday, 28 November 2016

Diva's challenge #295

We're doing a Reticula/ Fragment part 2 at Laura's Diva blog. I'm afraid I still don't have the book, but I've learned from last week's challenge entries :-)

So, in trying to go asymmetrical, I drew 3 triangles and filled them with Beelight fragments. For the other triangles, I've used Drupe in a 'normal' way ;-)

Thank you for visiting my blog! Your comments always put a smile on my face :-)

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Square One: Sindoo

A nice focus tangle for Facebook's group Square One: Sindoo (in the middle of this tile). A lovely pattern which I will use more often!

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Relaxing on Saturday

Today I've been playing with the patterns Telis, Marnie, 2-n-5 and Golven:

Thursday, 24 November 2016

It's a String Thing #172

Adele likes us to add an extra step in creating this tile, by lightly penciling our blessings in each of the string's sections and then tangle away.

To be honoust, I thought about my blessings, but I didn't write them down. I thought I would be distracted too much in wanting to tangle over them, to make them invisible. This doesn't mean I'm not thankful though! ;-)

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

New to me: Specto

I bumped into Specto and wanted to try it. You can see it in the middle of the tile, where it's trying not to drown in a Yuma sea ;-)

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Joey's challenge #140

A new-to-me tangle for Joey's challenge: JuJuBeedze. It's beautiful, but I had to think about what patterns could go with it. Luckily ;-) I found some nice ones in Opus, Ramy and Ennies.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Diva's challenge #294

This challenge by Laura is all about Reticula/ Fragment, two words I hadn't heard before (in combination with zentangle). I don't have the book Zentangle Primer vol. 1 and I didn't get much wiser on internet.

So, I'm just hoping I'm doing the right thing, since I have no clue what F7, R-C3 and A22 are (to name some letters and numbers that apparently mean something ;-) )

Thank you for visiting my blog! Your comments brighten my day :-)

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Saturday, 19 November 2016


This one took me somewhere I didn't expect :-)

Friday, 18 November 2016

It's a String Thing #171

A lovely challenge by Adele, asking us to use Sea Wave and Crescent Moon in a stacked string. Mine looks like this :-)

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Diva's challenge #293

Laura challenges us to find some zen in Keeko. Good news: it worked :-)

Thank you for visiting my blog and brightening my day with your comments!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Joey's challenge #139

Joey drew us Mooka to start this week's challenge, and we were to finish it. I kept it simple with some Ennis and a black 'undertile' ;-)

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Tangle party

A lot of different tangles in this tile, it's always nice to play with pretty patterns. You can see Mei, 8 C's, Socc, Barberpole, 4 Corners, Yuma and Yoga.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

New to me: Crezendo

Some time ago, I saw a new-to-me tangle that looked so pretty: Crezendo. Finally I've used it, and I love it! It's the pattern that goes from top left to bottom right. Other tangles I used are Cindyer, C-Wing, Footlites and Fescu.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Up side down

That was funny: when I drew this tile, I had in mind to show it the other way around (Hurry bottom right in stead of top left). But then I started shading and all of a sudden I saw it had to be shown this way. An upsidedown tile ;-)

Thursday, 10 November 2016

It's a String Thing #170

This week's theme of Adele Bruno's challenge is simplicity, so we're tangling with a simple string and the patterns Oke and Jelly Legs:

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Joey's challenge #138

Yeah, a new 'finish my tile' challenge by Joey! She started with a circle filled with Twile in the middle of the tile and I finished it with... Vano all around it. Maybe Vano is drawing too much attention, but I like it anyway ;-)

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Diva's challenge #292: Eaxy

We're doing a UMT (Use My Tangle) for the Diva's challenge and this month we're tangling Eaxy. I like it, but I really had to stay focused to draw it behind Ing. It's not a 'forget about everything and let the zen come to me' tangle ;-)

Thanks for stopping by! Your comments brighten my day :-)

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Alphabet challenge #80: G-X-N

We're tangling patterns starting with G, X and N for Diane & Carolien's challenge. My choices are Golven, Xs and Orbs, Nymph and some Germies in the sky ;-)

Saturday, 5 November 2016


I started this tile by tangling Annee, drew Bales and Squill right from it and ended it with some Marasu on the left. This was zen... :-)

Friday, 4 November 2016

Square One: Fassett

We're focussing on Fassett for Facebook's group Square One. I really like this pattern, so I had a nice focus ;-)

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Flowery tile

Today I fancied something flowery ;-) so I drew Bic and Flux together:

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Diva & Joey Halloween challenge

Since I'm not a big Halloween-fan (we don't really celebrate this in The Netherlands), I decided to (for once) combine the challenges of Laura and Joey. They both have a Halloween challenge, so here's my entry :-). The patterns I've used are Wud, X-did, Borbz and Croon.

Thank you for visiting my blog, your comments always put a happy smile on my face!