Thursday 17 August 2017

Joey's challenge #178

We're starting an exciting challenge at Joey's new blog! We're taking 9 tiles and together they form 1 square. On this big square, we draw 1 big 'border' and inside we create a large string, crossing every tile. Mine looks like this:

So, for this week's challenge we take tile nr. 1 (top left) and fill it with African Artist and whatever we want. 

I chose to add Florz, Crescent Moon, Tipples and Fassett. The composition of this tile by itself looks pretty funny to me - I can't wait to connect tile 2 and 4 and... all the others :-)


  1. Inderdaad Ilse, het is een hele leuke challenge en het zal enig zijn om al die puzzels elke week een stukje te zien groeien. Jij hebt alvast een mooie start gemaakt.

  2. That looks awesome Ilse! This is going to be an exciting 9 weeks 😉

  3. A very nice tile. I am looking forward the next 8 tiles. This challenge will be very interesting!

  4. This is a great tile start, Ilse. I also love your string and I am sure you are going to have fun filling out the tiles.

  5. You have a great string to fill in, can't wait to see it as it progresses!
    ~ joey ~
