Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Diva's challenge #260

This week, Laura likes us to create a Monotangle with Shattuck. Quite a challenge, because of itself, but also because hearing the news about Brussels (less than 1,5 h from where I live) takes away a lot of my focus :-( Let there be peace...

Thanks for visiting my blog :-)


  1. This is a beautiful Shattuck fan. Very satisfying.

  2. Een éénvoudig ontwerp is heel mooi geworden door het juist aanbrengen van schaduw en door perspectief te creëren, leuke tile!

  3. Lovely Shattuck fan!

  4. It must be frightening to live so close to such awful things. I'm glad that making this very pretty tangle allowed your mind a bit of rest, if only for the moment.

  5. Beautiful Shattuck. Sad news about Brussels I hope we can have peace one day. 💔

  6. This one is very Art Noveau in style.

  7. Wauw, ik kan helemaal niet zien dat jij hem moeilijk vond. Ik vind de jouwe wel heel eeg goed gelukt en sierlijk. Mooi.

  8. Dit is heel mooi geworden, Ilse. Ik weet wat je bedoelt, zelf heb ik gister Heel bewust niet meer baar de TV gekeken, omdat ik merkte dat het me teveel werd. We hebben inderdaad vrede nodig en het enige dat we (volgens mij) kunnen doen is zelf vrede en liefde om ons heen verspreiden.

  9. This is really well coordinated - you must have amazing self discipline. It's lovely. As for the events of the past couple of days, what can I say, except share a moment of silence.

  10. That is so beautiful. I love the Art Deco design and composition. Again, your line work is exceptional.

  11. I love your Shattuck tile.

  12. Beautiful in its simplicity. Hope that things have settled a little. cannot imagine being to close to something like that. Hope you are feeling a little peace from your tangling and other supports. Hope the craziness stops soon.

  13. Your Shattuck is lovely and peaceful. Yes, let there be peace.

  14. Lovely! Looks like the feathers of a peacock.
