Monday, 15 December 2014

It's a String Thing #70

It's almost Christmas, so this week Adele Bruno chose a string and tangles that are festive: string 073 and two patterns: Verdigogh and Pauline's Pigtail. 

I was hesitating what surface to make black: the one under Pauline's Pigtail or the one under Verdigogh. I couldn't leave everything white, it felt I needed to put contrast in this tile. Finally, I decided to make the middle part black and do some shadowing over Pauline's Pigtail. Now that it's finished, I'm not sure if the black is too much of a weight over Pauline's (now squashed ;-) ) Pigtail. Luckily the last one still looks airy ;-)


  1. Hartstikke leuk die van jou en goed opgelost met dat zwart.Mooi.

  2. No, It's really nice... Not too heavy at all.
